The history of the global and U.S. national hunger relief movement has never been documented, and it holds many important lessons and lessons to be learned. The book’s first section covers a worldwide review of hunger relief over the centuries until the 1960s. The second section delves deeper into U.S. domestic hunger relief and the national food bank movement. Up until the present, over 40 years. In addition, the wisdom and practices of many leaders over that period offer great value to all readers, even outside the hunger relief movement. Everyone deserves access to healthy food; it’s a fundamental need. The meal gap continues to grow, with 38 million people in the U.S. deemed food insecure or otherwise hungry.
Institutional memory is essential for learning, building on success, not repeating the same mistakes, and advancing the cause. Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger relief organization with 200 members and 60,000 food distribution sites across the country, is at the heart of this movement. During the past five years, approximately 50% of its 200-member food banks have primarily changed leadership due to the baby boomers retiring and moving on. Their wisdom is to be shared, and their legacy is celebrated. The change in leadership changes the culture of the movement dramatically, and history can play an essential role in providing context and perspective while welcoming new energy, ideas, and thought.
Breaking stereotypes of who needs help is essential to engaging communities in any cause. This book will shine a light on our neighbors seeking and receiving support. They often look like you and me.
Different voices from across the country are shared within this book, offering important history and valuable perspectives, and wisdom. The way forward is as much as remembering what has come before as it is an invitation to a new path. Sharing this knowledge will inspire and create change for the better and engage more people to make a difference.